Primary location: Dunedin 01189 553491 | Secondary: Circle 01189 226942
Self paying patients
Mini consultation - FREE for self paying patients
If progressing to treatment then a full consultation is combined with a scan appointment
New patient consultation - £190
Follow up consultation - £150
Ultrasound scan of varicose veins:
One leg - £250
Both legs - £350
Insured patients
All appointments and varicose vein treatments are charged at the tariff outlined by the insurer.
We are Fee Assured for all major insurers
Varicose Veins
Endovenous laser and RFA, including phlebectomies, General Anaesthetic, Daycase starts from:
£2650 for one leg
£3735 for both
The complete treatment in one visit.
Open venous surgery, seldom indicated, starts from:
£2330 for one leg
£2780 for both
Spider Veins and Facial Veins
A consultation is required prior to treatment sessions.
Microinjection sclerotherapy of leg veins: £300 per treatment session
Veinwave of facial veins: £300 per treatment session